The Spiderman Stretch – Fitness How-To Series

Table of Contents

The Spiderman stretching exercise is fantastic to include in your warmup routine. It helps your hamstring, quad, and hip flexor muscles lengthen and will allow you a wider mobility range which will, in turn, help you with your form and prevent groin injuries while working out.

This superhero exercise is excellent because it will develop mobility on both hips while preventing your back from arching. The Spiderman is awesome during warmup, but it can also be performed between lifts (staying active is always good, even when you are resting your muscles).

Athletes tend to be quite lazy when it comes to stretching; we all know that. But stretch those muscles if you want to improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries!

The Spiderman Stretch - Step By Step

Recommended sets/reps: 10 reps on each side.

You absolutely want to push your hips as forward as you can and remain as straight as possible. Your body should not be shifting on the side of the active leg.

Bonus: The Spiderman Stretch With Rotation

This time around we will perform a little variation of the standard spiderman stretch by adding a rotation movement. This will allow us to better stretch our hamstrings.

Recommended sets/reps: 10 reps on each side with 2 core rotations.

Final Words

Flexibility is an often overlooked aspect of fitness. I actually don’t know a single sport where it is useless to improve it. 

Flexibility is an essential component of quickness, agility, and even strength. If you’re an aspiring athlete, I assure you that you can and will see great results from incorporating stretching exercises such as the Spiderman into your routine. 

Become harder, better, faster, and stronger while keeping those injuries at bay with these amazing Spiderman stretches!

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Kyla Clark
Kyla Clark
Kyla Clark writes about healthy living and fitness. She holds a Master's Degree in Physical Activity for Health which she obtained at the University of Edinburgh. Kyla has been working as a freelance writer for three years.