24 Best Leg Exercises At Home

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We all know how complicated and time-consuming exercising can be, especially for anyone with a job or a career, right?

But don’t worry; there are ways for you to complete your leg day workouts without leaving the comfort of your home.

In this article, I compiled 24 best at-home leg workouts for you. From beginner level to more advanced, these workouts will help you reach the same results as if you were going to the gym.

Home Leg Exercises For Men


Squat Jump

One of the most efficient and easiest home leg exercise for men - Level: Beginner

For optimal results, pause in a deep squat for a second or two and repeat the jump.


Side Lunge

Work on your quadriceps' strength - Level: Beginner

You are doing it right when your thigh is parallel to the floor. Remember to always keep your feet flat on the floor.

To get the best results, pause for a few seconds. The more you remain in this position, the better. However, try not to overdo it, as you’ll feel unbelievable muscle soreness the next day.


Single-Leg Hip Raise

Level: Intermediate

To get the best results, stay in this position for more seconds and return to the starting point. Repeat the exercise by switching legs.


Quick Feet

Simple and efficient exercise to tone your muscles - Level: Beginner

For optimal results, run as fast as you can!

Home Leg Exercises For Women


Bodyweight Squats

Easy, fast, and efficient, this exercise will allow all women to tone their legs - Level: Beginner

If you want to get the best results, make sure to point your toes out when working out. Also, make sure that your feet are flat on the ground.


Plié Squat Calf Raises

Level: Intermediate

To get the best results, make sure to have your back straight.


High Knee Toe Taps

Level: Advanced

Make sure your chest is lifted at all times, and your back is straight. This will significantly enhance the results.


Side Leg Raises

Level: Intermediate

To maximize this exercise’s potential, make sure you lift the leg using your butt muscles, not your lower back.

Home Leg workouts for mass gain


Walking Lunges

Level: Intermediate

For best results, keep your back straight.


Split Squat

Level: Intermediate

Make sure to switch legs after each rep.


Step Ups

Level: Beginner

Repeat this exercise several times and switch your leading foot.


Squat Pulses

Level: Intermediate

If you feel like it’s too easy, squat lower while doing this exercise.

Home Leg workout with dumbbells


Goblet Squat

Increase strength, bone density and motion range - Level: Intermediate

Make sure to keep your upper body steady throughout the exercise. 


Reverse Lunge

Level: Intermediate

Try to pick dumbbell weights according to your fitness level.


One Legged Toe Raise

Level: Beginner

For maximum efficiency, use a higher stepper.


Dumbbell Swing

Level: Intermediate

For better results, make sure to have your back straight.


Suitcase Squat

Level: Advanced

The heavier the dumbbells, the better the results.

Leg workouts at home with weights



Level: Beginner

The key to this exercise is to have your upper body parallel to the ground.


Curtsy Lunge With Kick

Level: Advanced

Pro tip: complete reps on one side, then repeat the same reps on the other side 


Sumo Squat

Level: Intermediate

For best results, ensure you squeeze your glutes hard when you are at the top. Also, you can use heavier weights as you get stronger.

Leg Workouts At home Without Weights


Bulgarian Split Squats

Level: Advanced

The higher the surface, the more efficient this will be. Make sure to switch legs after each rep.


Single Leg Squats

Level: Intermediate

If you want to increase the difficulty, extend the raised leg horizontally. This turns the exercise into a pistol squat which is more complex but more effective.


Curtsy Lunge

Level: Intermediate

For better effectiveness, you can do more repetitions and bend down as deep as you can.


Reverse Lunge

Level: Intermediate

Make sure to keep your back as straight as possible and to remain balanced using your arms if needed.

At Home Leg Workout - Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need leg workout machines to exercise at home?

For everyone trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle in the quest for a better-looking body, buying workout equipment can be expensive and should not be done without thinking things through. The answer to this question revolves around two fundamental aspects:

Are you a beginner?

If the answer is no, skip to the second point. If your answer is yes, you don’t need to buy any equipment. Start slowly with less demanding workouts to see how things go. It will take time for your body to get used to working out.

During beginner days, machines would be a liability as they would take up space in your home. You can easily use the exercises listed in this guide and have the time of your life working out without actually spending a dime.
Once you become more experienced and accustomed to working out, ask yourself the following question:

Are you an experienced athlete who needs to work out often?

At this point, you have already mastered the regular workout routines like the ones I mentioned above. If you think working out without equipment isn’t going to cut it anymore, step up your game.

You can reasonably invest and allocate space to set up a home gym. Instead of spending valuable time going to the gym, you’ll have your equipment available to you instantly at any time.

How can I build leg muscle at home?

Building muscle is not something that happens overnight; it is a long process that requires dedication. It took me more than a month for any significant difference to be visible.

The main thing you can do to build muscle in your legs at home is to work out at least three times a week. This won’t overwork your body, and you’ll quickly achieve some results.

In addition, make your leg workouts count. You aren’t doing it right if you feel painless and comfortable. You must test your limits.

The last piece of advice that I must give you is one that many forget: You need to rest!

For your muscles to regenerate and get stronger, they need to rest. Get some quality sleep and take some days off from working out.

How do I tone up my thighs?

The best way to tone your thigh muscles is to be equally dedicated to building muscles. Toning up the muscles can be even more complex than building them. Both goals are tough to achieve, but beginners often forget the most critical aspects of toning.

First, you must use resistance training. You can quickly get some if you don’t have resistance bands or other resistance equipment at home, and these aren’t expensive and are indeed worth the investment.

Second, go complete cardio. Not only is it great for your heart and lungs, but it is also a great way of staying fit. Cardio will also help keep your thighs and other muscles toned.

You can run around in the neighborhood and the park. All you need are some good running shoes. Cardio also helps you lose extra weight and is excellent for overall body detox.

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Are wall sits bad for the knees?

I asked myself the same question as a beginner, as I felt terrible pain, and my legs were shaking within the first 2 seconds of any wall sitting. Aside from being great for overall body toning, wall sits can also be helpful for your arms if you use weights or a resistance band.

However, the question is, are they bad for the knees, and the answer is definitely NO. Wall sits often suggested by doctors specializing in orthopedics for people who suffer from knee pain. They activate the knees after a few repetitions and are great for long-term knee regeneration.

Do squats make your thighs thinner?

The fact is, squats work your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes. This means that whenever you are doing squats, you are activating several muscles, tightening them in the process. However, this question is heavily discussed amongst experts. This is because genes play a massive role in our body type (thus, muscles) and how our body burns calories.

We all know that squats are compound movements. The more you do them, the more calories you burn. If you burn calories, it is reasonable to assume that you will be losing weight.
However, some people can get bigger thighs by squatting. This is because higher repetitions of a particular exercise will make your muscles grow in size. But don’t worry, you cannot easily overdo them, as, at a certain point, your muscles will stop changing visually and will be just more enduring.

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Picture of Jessica Carter
Jessica Carter
Jessica is an AFLCA certified personal trainer and holds a Masters degree in physical therapy from the University of British Columbia. She has been working in the field for 5 years and writes as a freelance about all things fitness related.