What Is The Peloton Leaderboard And How Does It Work?

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The Peloton leaderboard, where the champions feel the breath of their followers on their digital necks.

But how does the Peloton leaderboard work, and why should you bother looking at it during your ride? The leaderboard has a few functions, but you primarily use it to see how you are pedaling compared to classmates or previous riders.

It’s motivation, it’s competitive, but most importantly, it’s monitoring your progress. I’ve decided to write an article detailing exactly how the Peloton leaderboard works, which will improve your rides; I’ll guarantee that.

The Status Bar

We are Patrick Peloton, and as you can see, we have some hard work ahead of us. The status bar tells you exactly your position and will slide up and down as your rank changes.

Nothing makes me pedal more furiously than seeing my name slipping down the leaderboard!

The Numbers Beside Your Name

There are two numbers to the right and left of your profile picture and name. That’s not your weight and apartment number but something else.

Your current position on the leaderboard is to the left of your profile picture. Don’t worry if you don’t see a one there, Peloton leaderboards are saturated with cyclists aiming for that top spot. Some riders even intentionally ride with miscalibrated bikes to climb the leaderboard quickly.

You’ll see your current output to the right of your name. Output is determined by your cadence and resistance. You can compare this number to what you’ve seen during other rides. Try your best to pump this number up!

Your PR or Personal Record

Take pride in this section! You’ll see a certain length of ride, in this case, 45 minutes long, as well as two numbers.

The first number is your personal record for the class you are taking. The number represents output (your cadence and resistance for that ride). This number will change depending on which ride you are on and display an updated PR.

The second number on the right side represents the average output you need to match to achieve or surpass your personal record. Keep an eye on that during your ride to pedal your way to a PR.

The Leaderboard Filters

The apps have changed over the years, but the filter button remains. There are lots of different preferences to mull over, but remember that comparing yourself to other riders should always be important to you.

You’re able to select All Time or Here Now above the leaderboard, I mostly ignore the All-Time section because the numbers are obtuse and meaningless. It’s more practical to select Here Now and see how your Peloton peers are pedaling.

Compare your output with the Pelotoners you follow by selecting Following in the Filter section.

“All” represents All-Time or the total number of Pelotoners on the leaderboard.

“Following” shows the other riders that you have chosen to follow.

“Just Me” will only display your previous records and ride outputs. This might be a good filter to select if you’re truly focused on personal bests. Judging ourselves based on potentially skewed leaderboard numbers is a good way to become demotivated.

Click on “Gender/Age “to ride with people of similar ages or genders. This is a good way to cut down the sample size of the leaderboard. You may want to compete against younger riders as a means of comparison.

“Show My Personal Record” has an obvious purpose, and I always keep this on. Keep breaking those records and keep improving yourself. Anytime I notice that I’ve had a certain PR for too long, I try my best to break it.

Sending High-Fives To Other Riders

Here’s a fun feature that is included within the Peloton leaderboard. I always send these to friends, sometimes to encourage and sometimes to distract. Click on a rider’s leaderboard profile picture, and they’ll get a high five from you!

If you receive a high-five notification from a fellow Pelotoner, tap on it to send it right back to them.

Instructors On The Leaderboard

Occasionally the instructors grace the leaderboards with their presence; they set some truly incredible outputs. The numbers from their Pelotons are probably reliable, so I trust them when I notice an instructor on the leaderboard.

For some digital motivation, the instructors send out high fives during classes. It’s inspiring to get a high-five notification, and I’ve received at least a dozen so far.

Remember This One Important Thing

The leaderboard is nifty, plus it can enhance your competitive spirit, but it can also create unrealistic, unreachable horizons.

I’ve noticed some insane scores when I select All Time. These days I never select this filter. There are too many riders out there with miscalibrated Pelotons and out-of-this-world scores.

Even comparing your statistics to your friends can be a slippery slope. The best comparison is derived from our own records and outputs. Using that, we can track ourselves over time and see our performance peaks and valleys.

Get Yourself Some Peloton High-Fives

I use the leaderboard for motivation, it’s not necessarily that I want to reach the top spot, but I love passing others. Getting a high-five on my ascension is the cherry on top of a fruitful exercise routine.

I’ve got a few friends that are quite competitive, so sometimes I will work tirelessly on surpassing their PRs, just so that I can send them a message about it. I wholeheartedly advise you to do the same; just think about all the motivation they will get when they see that screenshot.

That’s what this leaderboard is for. It’s not there for showing off, it’s not there for glory. Use it as a tool, and then shape yourself into a formidable cyclist with it. I hope to see your name up there someday, perhaps somewhere on the All Time list.

Kyla Clark
Kyla Clark
Kyla Clark writes about healthy living and fitness. She holds a Master's Degree in Physical Activity for Health which she obtained at the University of Edinburgh. Kyla has been working as a freelance writer for three years.