Michael Specter

Mike holds a Degree in Sports Coaching from the University of Minnesota and has held managerial and baseball head coaching roles at the college level.
has been a contributor / authored these articles

Why Does Baseball Start At Odd Times?

Have you ever opened the sports app on your phone to see what time the game you want to watch starts and noticed all the crazy start times you see on the Major League Baseball (MLB) scoreboard – 1:05, 3:07,

Sinker VS Curveball Comparison

Being a pro pitcher is among the most complex and challenging positions to learn across all sports. Combining the ability to generate the right amount of velocity and then finding the best movement patterns to pitch is far from easy.

Underhand Pitching In Baseball – Is It Legal?

The pitcher is undeniably an important player in any baseball game, which is why the question “Can you pitch underhand in baseball?” is such a common one. Good pitching is essential to help you win a baseball game, regardless of

How Long Are Baseball Games?

Baseball is a beloved sport in the USA and is gaining popularity worldwide. With an average of 20,000 fans packing stadiums, it has made its mark in the sporting industry. The action-packed gameplay elicits deep emotions in fans, but understanding

Quality Start Baseball Definition

When you pitched your last game, how did you do? Did you get the win? Or maybe you didn’t get the win, but you still pitched a great game. What’s the best way to quantify a good outing? A complete

What MLB Teams Have Never Won A World Series?

The World Series Has Been Going On For 120 Years, And These Teams Have Never Won It! The first World Series event was held in 1903. It is the final competition of the MLB (major league baseball) in which the

Sinker VS Curveball Comparison

Being a pro pitcher is among the most complex and challenging positions to learn across all sports. Combining the ability

How Long Are Baseball Games?

Baseball is a beloved sport in the USA and is gaining popularity worldwide. With an average of 20,000 fans packing