Michael Specter

Mike holds a Degree in Sports Coaching from the University of Minnesota and has held managerial and baseball head coaching roles at the college level.
has been a contributor / authored these articles

Understanding the Significance of WHIP in Baseball Statistics

WHIP stands for Walks plus Hits per Inning Pitched, and it’s a fundamental statistic used in evaluating pitcher performance in baseball. The importance of WHIP lies in its ability to reflect a pitcher’s ability to prevent opposing batters from getting

How to play 2nd base?

This is a question I was asked by one of the children on a little league team I volunteer coached two summers ago. I answered his question with one of my own: “what’s the purpose of a second baseman?”  He

How To Read A Baseball Scoreboard And Understand The Game Better

Baseball scoreboards, on the surface, can look incredibly complicated with all the numbers, letters, and statistics, especially if you’re new to the sport. However, the scoreboard becomes easily readable with some prior knowledge. Let me explain. Baseball scoreboards should be read from left to right. Typically the team’s

Top 25 Greatest New York Mets Of All Time Ranked

Over the course of six decades, the New York Mets have solidified their place in the New York sports scene. Plenty of Major League greats have played for the Metropolitans over the years and while at times the club as

What Are The Base Stealing Rules In Baseball?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re playing baseball as a rookie or a professional. The base steal is one of the most thrilling plays in the game as it’s got everything we love about this sport in one swoop — speed,

How to play 2nd base?

This is a question I was asked by one of the children on a little league team I volunteer coached