Jonathan Roussel

Jonathan is on a mission to help athletes reach their full potential. As someone who has experienced the highs and lows of athletic competition in different sports, he founded to help others navigate the journey to greatness. We provide athletes with the tools and resources they need to succeed both on and off the field.
has been a contributor / authored these articles

Why Is Softball No Longer An Olympic Sport?

Softball is an offshoot of baseball played with a larger ball but a smaller pitch. Softball is prevalent in many countries, including the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. The history between softball and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is

What Is The 6-2 Rotation In Volleyball?

The 6-2 rotation is one of the most widely used offensive rotations in volleyball. It is used to keep a team’s offense moving. It also increases the number of times the outside hitters touch the ball.  The 6-2 rotation is

Kung Fu Sashes Ranks And Colors System

Chinese martial arts, kung fu or wushu,  use color-coded belts or sashes based on skill and expertise to rank those who practice it.   The belt system may vary depending on the specific type of kung fu. Keep in mind there

What Skills Are Essential For Volleyball?

Volleyball is a fast-moving game, so you need to have a basic understanding of several key volleyball skills to be a good player. You need to learn how to pass, set, hit, and dig effectively to help your team win

The Definitive Guide For The Best Kickboxing Shoes

What are the best shoes for kickboxing? If like me, you’ve ever sat down and asked yourself that question, it probably took you a while to come up with a satisfactory answer. Indeed, with the art of kickboxing generally being

Best Beginner Lacrosse Sticks

With the great game of lacrosse, one of the fastest-growing sports in North America, maybe you’re one of the swathes of newcomers to it. Maybe, then, you’re looking for the best lacrosse stick for a beginner.  Oh, dear reader, we’re

Best Beginner Lacrosse Sticks

With the great game of lacrosse, one of the fastest-growing sports in North America, maybe you’re one of the swathes