Jessica Carter

Jessica is an AFLCA certified personal trainer and holds a Masters degree in physical therapy from the University of British Columbia. She has been working in the field for 5 years and writes as a freelance about all things fitness related.
has been a contributor / authored these articles

What Muscles Do Ellipticals Work and How To Maximize Your Results?

Being cardio machines, ellipticals are distinct from traditional treadmills and exercise bikes. So many people may wonder, which part of your body can an elliptical trainer work? What Muscles Do Ellipticals Work? Simply put, ellipticals work the entire body. However,

Lululemon vs. Athleta – What are the Differences?

Have you ever sunk into a deep lizard pose during an early morning stretch? Hips open; elbows down, then before you can even fully exhale: rip! Straight through the crutch. I know, I hate it too. Yoga is no joke.

training with dumbbells

The Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly

The dumbbell rear delt fly is one of the most challenging exercises to get right, partly because there is so much conflicting information. Besides, I see many people allow their larger muscles to direct the load away from the rear

The Dumbbell Skull Crushers

If you struggle to perform the skull crusher with a straight or EZ barbell, then switching to dumbbells is a great idea. Besides, if you’ve never done skull crushers, dumbbells are great for getting started. But how to do the

The Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

The dumbbell Romanian deadlift (RDL) is a great addition and an alternative to the traditional barbell RDL. However, to stay injury-free and actually get any benefit from this exercise, you need to do it correctly. Below, let’s have a look

Woman legs

5 Methods To Do Leg Curls Without A Machine From Home

There’s a saying that goes, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” And if there’s one thing that’s hit our fitness goals, it’s a challenge. Let’s face it; the quarantine has been rough. The gyms have been closed

training with dumbbells

The Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly

The dumbbell rear delt fly is one of the most challenging exercises to get right, partly because there is so

The Dumbbell Skull Crushers

If you struggle to perform the skull crusher with a straight or EZ barbell, then switching to dumbbells is a

The Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

The dumbbell Romanian deadlift (RDL) is a great addition and an alternative to the traditional barbell RDL. However, to stay